Sunday, January 27, 2008

1/22/2008 - 1/25/2008 Round Trip Options

Most of you have probably heard about the world market crash and high volatility that occurred during this week.

Despite two of my rules, no more google options, and only round trip option trades, I ended up with a bunch of google calls over the weekend, and by the time market opened on Tuesday they had lost about 90% of their value. This in addition to the lower pricing of the dividend paying stocks in my account put in a position of low liquidity. I spent most of the week just watching the market. I did purchase some POT calls which also ended up not being a round trip. The only round trip option trades I made this week were on Friday.

Goog Puts gain 1.00
GS Puts gain 1.00
Goog puts lose .80
Goog puts gain .10
Goog Puts gain .90

Always perform your own due diligence before making any investment.

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