Saturday, December 29, 2007

12/17/07 - 12/21/07 Roundtrip Option Plays

Hope you all had a great holiday. We had an eventful one. Thought I would take some time to catch up on my bookkeeping today, including a few missing tracking posts on this blog.

12/21/07 was option expiration, so I did more equity trades than option trades this week, but for what it's worth, here they are.

RIMM puts gain 1.00
PCU calls loss .50
GOOG call loss 1.40
GOOG call loss .60

GOOG puts loss 1.00
GOOG calls loss .50
RIMM calls gain .50
GS puts gain 1.00

FWLT calls loss .20
MS loss .20

I finally got smart after the 19th and stopped playing options the rest of the week. As you can see I had more losing than winning trades this week, further demonstrating that not playing options on expiration week is a good idea.

Always perform your own due diligence before making any investment.

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