I have been needing to do work on my bathroom since we moved into this house 10 years ago. It has been on the list of home improvements, but there was always something more important. Well, a couple of months ago the linoleum began to split where the water damage was on the floor near the toilet, so I decided we couldn't wait anymore. We found someone that we liked and trusted to do a fairly major remodel for us, for under $20,000.
Here is the one picture that I have where you can kind of see the before.
As you can see the door swings in, and what you see is the sink with the dated tile and medicine cabinet. That will be replaced by a custom built floor to ceiling cabinet. The windows will be blocked by the cabinet, but left where they are. It will include shelves, drawers, two built in hampers, and a long closet for hanging our bathrobes.
The wall the door opens to was empty, and where we had our hamper. door is going to be reversed to swing into the hallway instead, and a pedestal sink put on that wall. on the right side you may see a glimpse of our shower curtain. The tub was removed, and will be replaced with a long shower and bench. That will involve moving the current drain, and building a couple of walls and installing a shower door.
To the right of the door opening was the toilet. It was against the wall so that when you sat on it, your legs extended in front of the door opening. The toilet will be making a quarter turn to face the new cabinetry.
Within just a few hours this morning, the demo was complete. Here is the wall where the sink was. They will be adding insulation that wasn't currently in the exterior wall.
This picture shows the floor damage by the toilet. Luckily the joists do not need to be replaced. You can also see in this picture the area where the new super sized shower will go.
The door is going to be replaced, so they pulled that down. That is my biggest challenge now. You may be able to see the hole near the plumbing for the toilet, which gives access to the smaller members of my family to the crawl space under the house. Georgie has already made his way down there. Luckily he comes when I call him. I'm trying to keep the cats outside until Hubby comes home, and we can figure out a way to keep the cats out of the bathroom, or at least from going under the house. I'm waiting for a call from the contractor so we can go fixture shopping. As you can see the floor is pretty wet, so I'm not sure if we can just cover the wholes. They may need the wood to dry out. It seems that would be easier than trying to block the doorway.
Anyway, I will come back and update this post from time to time if any of you are interested in seeing the progress.
Well, Mr. Handsome but short plumber is back today. They sent a little camera down my mainline. There is a major breach near the house, and several small offsets down the line. At the end was a huge chunk of drywall that the construction workers had let fall down the opening to the toilet. That was what had caught on the tree roots and near the house, and the snaking yesterday just shoved it down further.
They are going to push the drywall down to the air vent, and then break it up. We chose to make the $850 spot repair, rather than the $3500 complete mainline replacement. There are some offset points, but it took them over 60 years of settling to offset the little bit that they did. We wont be here another 60 years, and it would be way to much of a financial burden to take another $3500 on top of the current remodel costs. We can always go back and do the mainline after we recouparate from paying for the remodel.
I went shopping for fixtures the yesterday, and found some great oil rubbed bronze ones that I love. Unfortunately we are having to switch to a single water turn on in the shower, rather than the separate for hot and cold that we had prior. Apparently you cannot have that type of faucet anymore, even if you are currently plumbed for it.
The nefarious tree root.
The shower head
The sink faucet
And done!
February 21, 2008 update
Well, it's been awhile, and a lot has happened. For fun I had some emergency dental surgery on Monday, just to keep things interesting. Anyway, it's actually starting to look like a room again.
Here is the shower enclosure.
Here is the exterior wall where the cabinet will go. Bye bye windows.
Well, today they were only here a few hours. I was working, and it was raining, so I had the dogs in the office with me to keep them out of the contractors way. They have liked everyone but this one guy that came today. Sasha keeps growling at him, so I keep her a little closer to me when he is here. Anyway, they said that the company hadn't given them a trash bag and they didn't want to drop stuff all over my floor can they borrow one. I get up to get it and see that they have put NO paper down, and have mud and drywall dust tracked all over my floor! I said, No paper today? And told them what a mess it was to clean up after them when there was paper, let alone without it. Well, they borrowed my mop and cleaned it up after at least, but what the hell? This subcontracting company doesn't give their employees paper or garbage bags to work with?
Anyway...They hung my door today, and did the second pass on mudding the drywall.
Hubby isn't happy with the door. I didn't get a choice, the contractor picked it based on the rest of the bathroom decorations. I like it though. If we have a party, we can tell guests the bathroom is the white door down the hall, so they don't accidentally end up in one of our bedrooms. I think it's very pretty.
They applied the second coat of joint compound on the wall seams, but only covered the nails once. As you can probably see here though, they put it on pretty thick. I'm going to be checking it tomorrow to make sure that it didn't shrink too much. If they does, I will call them on it.
Always perform your own due diligence before making any investment.
I like the photo of the dog.
Neat blog.
I like the photo of the dog.
Neat blog.
Thank you June, glad you enjoyed it. :)
Good to see Clementine! Sorry about your emergecy dental work; I may be having some of my own.
The bathroom is shaping up great! Hope everything else is well with you.
Thanks 52. :)
All is going well, well, other than the stock market needs to quit being bipolar. ;)
Sorry to hear you are having dental issues as well...hope it is rectified as painlessly as possible.
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